Our Conscious Dreaming Method: Power up your Life through Dream Management

Dreams are very important in all studies and tenets involved with the functioning of the mind.

Usually, our dreams and daydreams are clouded by lots of factors and we cannot remember our dreams and some intervention of our mind prevent us from daydreaming by putting throıugh some experiences or learnings that indicate they are impossible.

Through our Conscious Dreaming Method, we will break this cycle and progress toward more lucid dreaming and more hopeful daydreaming.

We would like to call this approach Dream Management as a new concept we would like to activate in the new world order. If we are able to manage our dreams and daydreams, our life could be much more colorful and our things to do, like our art, for example, can be more beautiful through the images we see in our dreams, which would be more lucid this time.

Our Conscious Dreaming Method: Dream Management

First of all, it is necessary to know that our ego and our subconscious play a great part in terms of blurring our dreams and daydreams. We will just cheat them. We will just dream consciously and more lucidly.

  • Please note that mastery in this method can take a bit of time but, once mastered, it may be a gateway to the beautiful and infinite world of your imagination and consciousness.

  • It is highly beneficial to note the things you have seen in your dreams. Even if they will be much more lucid this time, dreams, like anxiety, tend to be forgotten quickly.

  • It is good to pick up a time that you feel a bit tired and sleepy.

  • If you have one of those people who easily fall asleep but wake up right after it, particularly after caffeine intake like a cup of tea or coffee, do please have your caffeine before sleeping, it may help you with waking up and sleeping again and again and see more and more dream..

1- Lay on your bed and relax every muscle on your body by just imagining they are getting relaxed.

2- Set your intention to focus on your nose regardless of whatever comes to your time.

3- Close your eyes. You may consider breathing from your nose as it could enhance your focus on your nasal tip.

4- This stage is important. We will just cheat our mind by making it believe we are sleeping but actually alert to get the initial stages of a dream. Do not worry about cheating your subconscious as it is already been under the effect of many illusions and it is normal to cheat it. Continuing your focus on your nose, try to do like a bit loudly releasing air through your lips, breathing with noise through your nose, or even snoring. Continue to do so until you are almost sleeping. Normally it does not take much time.

5- Keep an eye on the images that may come before your eyes. Once you see an image, start to keep track of it. For example, you see a horse. Where is it going? What is the next stage of the film? Attach your attention to that image and flow with it.  Initially, it may be a little blur but it will finally end up seeing a flow of images and a beautiful and funny world. Your subsequent dreams might be more lucid as you go along. Practice this again and again.

6- (Optional) If you believe in spirituality, you can ask Spirit for answers or images or ideas or inspirations, there is the likelihood to get them.

Daydreaming: You do not have to sleep this time. Just relax, focus, set your intention not to be prevented by the perceptions and inferences of your ego or habits of your subconscious, and let yourself flow with the images you see.


1- Your imagination may expand.

2- You may get rid of unwanted thoughts and emotions and open to the fact that you can choose the things you want to think of.

3- Your excitement about the richness of your life and the joy of living it fully and consciously may enhance.

4-  Your art or job could be improved through the images, ideas, and perspectives you get.

5- Your ego may be transcended as you realize how wonderful being you are in view of the wealth of information already available within you.

6- Bad things like insomnia, nightmares, or restlessness may reduce.

7- Your trust to life may grow as you see the truth hidden within you.

